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Νέα του δικτυακού τόπου

4th Regional Electronic Security Forum

Αναννεώθηκε: 04/11/2008

INA Academy, following the successful organisation of this Conference on electronic security since 2005, is pleased to announce the upcoming 4th Regional Electronic Security Forum: Telecommunications Networks and Systems Security, which will be held on 6 & 7 November 2008 in Thessaloniki, Greece.

Fundamental objective of the Conference is to contribute to public awareness raising and information dissemination in Greece and the wider region of South-eastern Europe and the East Mediterranean, where similar opportunities are limited, on critical issues related to electronic security in communications networks and services. This year in particular, specific emphasis will be placed on the critical role of eSecurity in eGovernment applications.

More information in the following site: http://www.esecurityforum.org/ESecurityforum/tabid/1098/Default.aspx

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