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orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf Towards The Unification Of Critical Success Factors For ERP Implementations, by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya [45 Kb]
Παρά τα οφέλη που μπορούν να επιτευχθούν από μια επιτυχή εφαρμογή συστημάτων ERP, υπάρχουν ήδη στοιχεία των υψηλών κινδύνων αποτυχίας στα προγράμματα εφαρμογής ERP. Πάρα πολύ συχνά, οι διευθυντές προγράμματος εστιάζουν κυρίως στις τεχνικές και χρηματοοικονομικές πλευρές της εφαρμογής, παραμελώντας ή βάζοντας τη λιγότερη προσπάθεια στα μη τεχνικά ζητήματα. Μια χαρακτηριστική προσέγγιση που χρησιμοποιείται για να καθοριστεί η επιτυχία της εφαρμογής ERP συστημάτων, είναι ο προσδιορισμός των κρίσιμών παραγόντων επιτυχίας (CSF).
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 938
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf Ensuring Good Customer Experience through eBusiness Quality Testing [110 Kb]
Your website is only as good as your last customer’s experience. According to a recent article from Creative Good president Mark Hurst (www.creativegood.com), “the customer experience is the key driver of success online”.
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 814
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf Participation in Business to Business Electronic Marketplaces [399 Kb]
The goal of this thesis is to determine the factors that affect participation in business-to-business electronic marketplaces. A large amount of research has been publicized in the last decade about electronic marketplaces. There is however little research with a primary focus on participation.
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 1006
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf Small Business Participation in Selected On-line Procurement Programs [539 Kb]
...we explore issues related to small business participation in government on-line procurement programs and electronic commerce education activities covered by selected federal programs for businesses in general.
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 836
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf An Intelligent Method For Inferring Information about the User / Client [319 Kb]
Having in mind today's growth of information sources, both in terms of their number and of their size, whether we are referring to the Internet, a corporate intranet, or a library information retrieval system, we can say that manipulating information is not a trivial task.
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 736
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf Improving Web Usability Through Visualization [2320 Kb]
Predictive Web usage visualizations can help analysts uncover traffic patterns and usability problems.
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 794
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf Information Awareness and Representation [64 Kb]
This paper discusses how information representation affects the degree and character of awareness afforded by computer systems: awareness of people and of information artifacts.
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 808
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf Knowledge-Intensive Product Search and Customization in Electronic Commerce [360 Kb]
This chapter describes a knowledge-based technology and related applications for developing intelligent virtual sales agents.
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 750
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf The Ambulance, the Squad Car, and the Internet [556 Kb]
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 778
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf Decision Support Systems Usage Possibilities in Real Estate Agencies [117 Kb]
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 963
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf The Dynamic Nature of Survival Determinants in e-Commerce [252 Kb]
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 694
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf eBay 9/11 [2424 Kb]
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 3072
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf Toward an Ethics of Persuasive Technology [92 Kb]
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 833
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf Websites as Personalities and Playgrounds: Their Effects on Brand Image [788 Kb]
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 1427
orangearrow [21/08/2006]
pdf What Do Web Users Do: An Empirical Analysis of Web Use [253 Kb]
Αριθμός εμφανίσεων: 1296
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